Earlier you also crossed the barrier of 2700 as the 4th Indian chess player. How do you explain this success? You have had an excellent boost in your chess career. You won Tata Steel Championship 2018?
I managed to cross 2700 rating in August 2017 and increasing it all the way to 2723. I think the main reason for my success in Tata Steel was consistent play. I got a bad position in one game only, where I managed to draw and most of other game I was pressing for a win whereas my competitors lost more than one game.
What is your strength as a chess player?
I feel that I am intuitive chess player with good feel for placement of the pieces. That is why I play well in blitz.
You have several coaches loke G.M. Alon Greenfield and GM Abhijit Kunte during last year& what does your coaching team look like today?
To be honest, I never had full time coach. I have worked with GM occasionally like 3-4 week in a year. I am slowly looking to a build permanent team as other top professionals do.
Following the Indian scene, you notice the pressure from media and fan in your country. How do you handle that pressure?
I love to play when there is an audience and lot of people are watching that is why I enjoyed very much playing inTata Steel, where every day the playing arena used to be crowded with chess fans. I find that it motivates me and encourage me to give the best.
Vishvanathn Anand is of course the big hero In India. When do you think we will see world champion from India again?
Anand is of course legend. as I say this, he has won another tournament, The Tal memorial in Russia. It is very safe bet to say there will be another world champion from India. I feel that recently the Indian chess scene regarding player is on the rise and already this year we have powerful team for the Olympiad. There is Anand, Harikrushna, me and another two very strong 2600+GM. With such a force India won't be considered an underdog any more.
And can it be you? What is your goal in chess career?
I wish to become the world champion. It is every chess players dream. on a realistic note I must say that my play needs to evolve a lot more to say with certainty, that I can even come close to becoming a world champion. But yes, it is always at the back of my mind. I know that if I do the right things, I can have shoot at it.
Hasslbaken chess open in 2016 was your first visit to Stockholm since then you and many Indian player chosen to play in Sweden.what is so special in Sweden?
it was wonderful last time.The place are lovely.It is gorgeous and people were amiable and warm.Overaal it left very positive vibe. I didn't see a lot of Stockholm.and I love to explore and see more of it.I have the opportunity to be back here again.
What are your expectations for TePe sigeman chess tournament 2018?
As the top seed of the tournaments, I definitely aiming for first place.
What is your best favorite chess opening when you are 12years old?
l loved to play the classical Sicilian and attack wholeeartendly on the queen side.
And your preferred chess opening now a days ?
Something more solid respectable than classical Sicilian
What is your best tip to more easily fall asleep at nights during a chess tournament
Some drink red wine ,I perferd to read something light hearted.
Do you have any superstition when you sit down at the ches board before tourmamt game ?
Every chess player .some of them are crazy.If I see an Audi before the game I will win.
Who was your first chess trainer?
“Mr. Sunil Sharma from my home town Nashik.”
Who is your best chess fan?
My family! Even when I played horrible, they think I played well.
When you think of Sweden, Which three pop up first in your mind ?
Beautiful Stockholm, Warm people, Great public transport.